How to measure the success of my business?

How to measure the success of my business?

Indicators of business success When we start a business, one of the most important aspects is to know how to measure its success. The success of a venture is not only measured by the amount of revenue it generates, a functional analysis involves an in-depth evaluation...
What is a sales report and how to create one?

What is a sales report and how to create one?

What is a sales report and how to create it to boost your business? A sales report is an essential tool for any business looking to measure and analyze its performance in terms of sales. It provides a detailed view of transactions made, revenue generated and other...
Guide to increase the sales of your online store

Guide to increase the sales of your online store

6 tips to get more sales If you have already decided to put your store online but you do not have the sales you thought, do not worry because today we have for you a guide to increase the sales of your online store. There are several strategies that you can implement...
Guide to start an online store

Guide to start an online store

5 steps to create your online store Internet shopping has increased exponentially in recent years and if you do not want to be left out of this new way of doing business here is a guide to start an online store. According to some statistics in Mexico eCommerce sales...
Guide to start selling online

Guide to start selling online

We show you the 5 steps you must follow in order to start selling online quickly and without hassles. Today’s post aims to give you a guide to start selling online. It doesn’t matter if your product is physical or digital or if you are going to sell a...