Innovations in payment methods for ecommerce in Mexico
Ecommerce in Mexico: Discover the latest trends and increase your sales by improving the shopping experience.
Make your online store work with email marketing
Email marketing keys for your online store Having an online store is the best way to scale your business and can be the best experience if you manage to attract the necessary traffic and sales. One of the most profitable and secure ways to increase sales is through...
What will be the new digital marketing trends in 2023?
The year 2023 is here and with it come new purposes, new goals and of course new strategies, and digital marketing is not left out of this renewal. This year AI and short videos consolidate their acceptance in the public, but above all this year the interaction with...
Most frequent problems in online shopping
Why don't people buy from my online store? Every day more and more businesses are choosing to set up an online store because the advantages of this business model are remarkable. In fact, it is estimated that 48% of Mexicans purchase goods or services over the...
5 neuromarketing strategies you can apply in your campaign
Nowadays, marketing has reached levels never seen before, reaching objectives in the shortest possible time. This is undoubtedly due to specialization, such as neuromarketing and the application of knowledge from other areas in traditional marketing. Since the work...
How twitter will change and what will become of its future
Twitter after Elon Musk Last October 27th, the South African tycoon Elon Musk bought the microblogging social network, after a long dispute to set the terms of the sale. From day one in charge of Twitter, the changes were more than surprising. Elon Musk has been in...
How to choose the perfect domain for your business
Choosing the right domain for your business or project is as important as choosing the right name. A domain is the address or unique name of a website or blog on the Internet. Choosing the right domain name for our business is as important as choosing the right name,...
7 tips to make sales in your business
Sales are the engine of business and capturing leads and being in contact with potential customers is not always enough to increase sales, so today we will show you some strategies to convert leads into sales. There is nothing more rewarding than seeing how a lead...
Marketing strategies for the World Cup without harming FIFA’s copyright
Soccer always attracts the attention of most consumers, that's why the World Cup generates conversation and attention, so you will surely want to take advantage of this season to attract attention to your business and today we will explain how to do this advertising...
Buen Fin marketing strategy
The Buen Fin is just around the corner and although it is usually a season with guaranteed sales, today we want to give you some strategies to implement in your Buen Fin campaign and boost your results. For many businesses the Buen Fin means one of the best sales...
It is possible to do digital marketing without affecting privacy
For a long time data was the lifeblood of digital marketing, now personal data protection laws and users' concerns about their privacy pose a threat. So, today we will explore what is the future of marketing in the age of privacy. Digital marketing is reinventing...
How you can design a sales funnel for your business
If you've been running your business for a while you've probably already heard about sales funnels, but if you want to know what exactly they are and how they can help your business stay here because here we will explain what a sales funnel is and how to implement it...
5 things you need to know before starting your own business
If you are reading this, it is because you have the desire to start your own business. For several decades, entrepreneurship has been presented as a viable option for those who have a good idea or for those who do not want to live working for someone all their lives....
What opportunities does the metaverse have for Mexicans?
The metaverse has been in the market for a year now and has shown that it is not only a space for leisure and games, so in this post we are going to analyze if the Metaverse has become attractive for Mexicans and what are the possible opportunities. For now, we can...
Public relations tips for your venture
Nowadays, starting your own business is much easier than before. Every day the necessary tools to start a business are more at hand, but there are many things that we still can not leave in the hands of software or artificial intelligence, one of them is public...
The most common mistakes in marketing
Marketing is not a recipe that you can follow to the letter to get the results you expect, there are some strategies that may not serve your business and there are others that may be difficult to implement and therefore do not give the results you expect, so today we...